02 电话礼仪

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  02 电话礼仪
  tom is making a call to one of his customers and inquiring something about the products he sold before.
  tom: hello, this is tom kant from international trade co. limited. could i speak to mr. smith?
  mr. smith: speaking please.
  tom: i'm sorry to disturb you. you purchased our equipment last year and now i'd like to find out about their workings. are they still in gear now?
  汤姆:很抱歉打扰您了。您去年购买了我们的设备, 我现在想了解它们的使用情况。它们现在是否还正常运转?
  mr. smith: yeah, exactly! we bought them last year. at present, they are still in good condition.
  tom: that's it! all of them have first-class quality and performance. every instrument is subject to strict inspection before shipment. now we have researched and developed new products.
  mr. smith: your company is developing so fast. maybe later on we'll cooperate again.
  tom: that's terrific! if any, please remember to call us. i won't keep you any longer.goodbye, mr. smith.
  mr. smith: bye!
  1. working [w?:ki?] n. 运作;工作方法;劳动
  2. be in gear 处于正常工作情况的
  3. in good condition 状况良好
  4. be subject to 遭受;服从;以……为条件
  5. inspection [in'spek??n] n. 检查,检验;视察
  1. hello, may i speak to william?
  may i have william, please?
  2. i have something urgent to consult miss brown.
  3. i'm sorry to call you so late.
  4. i hope i didn't catch you at a bad time.
  5. who is that speaking?
  who is calling, please?
  6. i'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
  7. could you just wait for a moment, please?
  julia wants to call mr. kant of the finance department. but she got the wrong number.
  julia: hello, could i speak to mr. kant?
  a: there are two mr. kants here. which one do you like to talk to?
  a: 这有两位康德先生。您找哪一个?
  julia: i'd like to talk to james kant. may i have him?
  a: sorry, i beg your pardon?
  julia: james kant.
  a: i'm sorry, but there's no one here by that name.
  julia: isn't this the finance department?
  a: i'm afraid you dialed the wrong number. this is the home telephone.
  julia: oh, sorry to have bothered you.
  a: it doesn't matter.
  1. finance departmen 财务部
  2. dial ['dai?l] v. 拨号,打电话
  3. bother ['b?e?] v. 烦扰,使恼怒;使不安,费心
  1. i'm sorry, but we don't have anyone by that name here.
  i'm sorry, but there is no one called susan here.
  2. oh, sorry to have disturbed you.
  3. i beg you pardon? mr. who?
  4. what number are you trying to dial?
  what number are you calling?
  5. will you check the number again, please?
  6. i suggest you look in the phone book again.
  7. are you sure you are dialing the right number?
  8. could you check the number for me, please?
  could you test the number for me, please?
  steven meets some problems in his work, so he wants to ask for advice from susan. now he is giving susan a ring. but susan is not in.
  steven: hello, may i speak to susan please?
  a: i'm sorry, she is not in.
  steven: can you tell me how long she'll be back? i want to come to her for some advice about my work.
  a: sorry, i have no idea. she is on business trip at present. why don't you call her cell phone?
  steven: i'd like to. but i don't have her cell phone number. can you tell me about it?
  a: i'm sorry. we can't give out her cell phone number.
  steven: then can you call her and give her my number? my number is 6854778. my name is steven kant.
  a: no problem, mr. kant.
  steven: thank you.
  1. at present 目前,现在
  2. give out 公布;分发
  out of pocket
  out of pocket最常见的意思是“赔钱、白白损失”(having suffered a financial loss)。如果用连字符将out of pocket这三个单词连起来,就成了一个形容词out-ofpocket,最基本的意思是“没钱了”(having no money)。out-of-pocket expenses 则是指一些需要事先用现金支付的,事后可以报销的开销,比如出差时的交通费、食宿费等等。但近来out of pocket成了网上的一个通俗用语,越来越多的网民用somebody is out of pocket来表达“某人现在不在这儿”。那么“赔钱”和“缺席”有什么关系呢?如果你不在办公室(out of office),没有及时被分配任务,那你就失去了赚钱的机会(out of pocket)。如果你不在办公室而在外出差,那么你就经常会有一些out-of-pocket expenses。
  i'm out of pocket these days.
  maggie is making a phone call to mr. gates,but mr. gates is not in. she asks for leaving a message.
  maggie: hello, this is maggie. may i speak to mr. gates, please?
  a: i'm afraid he is not here now. he went out to call on a customer just now.
  maggie: then what time will he be back?
  a: i expect him back this afternoon. would you like to leave a message?
  maggie: thank you. i'd like to. would you tell him to call me at 6588758 as soon as he's back?
  a: ok. i'll make sure that he gets the message.
  maggie: thank you. bye-bye.
  a: you're welcome, bye!
  1. call on 访问,拜访;号召,要求
  2. leave a message 留言
  1. could you just tell her susan called?
  just tell her there was a call from susan.
  2 please ask her to call me back..
  would you tell her to give me a ring when she's back?
  3. please tell him to come to the company quickly.
  4. no, thank you. it's nothing urgent.
  5. i must discuss the work with him.
  6. would you like to leave a message?
  do you have a message?
  7. would you like to leave your name and number?
  8. may i have your name, please?
  may i have your name, just in case?
  9. i'll give her the message.
  i'll make sure she receives the message.
  there is a phone call from a customer. sarah is answering the telephone.
  sarah: hello, this is abc company. what can i do for you?
  a: hello, i find your company in alibaba, and i want to buy a batch of plane models. which types do you have? what's the price of the model x768?
  sarah: we have plane models of more than 20 types. and the price is 50 dollars of that model. i'd like to send some details of all the models to you. may i have your email?
  a: there is no need of that at present. i just want to know the price of that model.
  sarah: oh, never mind. anyway thanks for your call. goodbye.
  a: bye-bye.
  1. a batch of (人或物的)一批
  2. plane model 飞机模型
  3. detail ['di'teil] n. 详细;详情
  1. nice talking to you.
  2. i'll be looking forward to hearing from you.
  3. thank you for returning my call.
  thank you for calling me back.
  4. i'd better get off the phone.
  5. i won't keep you any longer.
  6. i'm quite busy at the moment. could you ring back later?
  7. say hello to your folks.
  8. well, i'll call you again later.
  9. is there anything else i can do for you?
