01 接待客户

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  01 接待客户
  julia is giving a call to mr. smith from abc company about the technical drawing.
  朱莉亚正在就设计图一事给a bc公司的史密斯先生打电话。
  julia: hello. this is julia kant. could i speak to mr. smith please?
  mr. smith: this is thomas smith speaking. what can i do for you, miss kant?
  julia: mr. smith, you know that we have finished the technical drawing according to your requirements. you called us that you would like a little modification yesterday. i'd like to make an appointment with you to discuss how to modify it.
  mr. smith: all right.
  julia: are you free at 10:00 a.m. this thursday?
  mr. smith: i am afraid not. i will have a meeting that morning. what about 3:00 p.m. that day?
  julia: no problem. see you this thursday.
  mr. smith: ok. goodbye.
  julia: bye-bye.
  1. technical drawing 技术设计图
  2. modificatio [?m?difi'kei??n] n.修改,修正;修饰
  1. may i invite you to visit our company sometime next month?
  2. could i have an appointment with you this saturday afternoon?
  3. shall i make the reservation for you?
  4. could you make it some other time?
  can we make it another time?
  5. do you have any plan next monday?
  are you available next monday?
  6. we are looking forward to meeting you then.
  7. i am going to travel on business that day.
  8. i have a full schedule next week.
  john goes to the airport to pick up a customer.now he meets the customer dan matthews.
  john: excuse me! i'm john smith from du pont fuel company. are you dan matthews from abc company?
  dan: yes, i am. glad to meet you.
  john: me, too. i am here to meet you. welcome to wuhan! how was your flight?
  dan: it was fine except for a little long, all together nearly 6 hours.
  john: that was a long flight. you must be tired now.
  dan: actually i feel pretty rested. i was able to sleep on the plane.
  john: that's good. let me help you with your luggage.
  dan: thanks. you are so kind.
  john: that's all right. i've already made a western-style room reservation for you. let's go to the hotel first. and i've made arrangements for you to visit the city. changjiang river bridge and the huanghe tower in wuhan are very famous, especially the nocturnal sights over the river is really quite nice!
  dan: oh, great. thank you for your hospitality.
  john: we hope you will feel at home. let's go this way. our car is out in the parking lot.
  1. rested ['restid] adj. 休息得好的;精力充沛的
  2. reservation [?rez?'vei??n] n. 预订;保留;(印第安人的)居留地
  3. nocturnal [n?k't?:n?l] adj. 在夜间的;(生物)夜间活动的
  1. thank you for meeting me at the airport, miss li. this is my first time to visit china.
  2. you must be tired after the long flight.
  3. let me carry the baggage for you.
  4. we really wish you'll feel at home here.
  5. may i have your business card?
  6. would you please have a seat for a short while?
  7. what would you like to drink?
  can i get you something to drink?
  8. i will show you the way. please follow me.
  dan is invited to pay a visit to the factory of his potential cooperator.
  manager: thank you for coming today.
  dan: i have been longing for visiting your factory for a long time.
  manager: the tour should last about two hours. you need to wear this hard hat. i'll accompany you to take a look around the factory and show you our machines in operation.
  dan: that'll be very interesting. how large an area does this plant cover?
  manager: it covers an area of 5000 square meters.
  dan: what time was your factory established?
  manager: some ten years ago by merging two small-sized ones. the production line is fully automated and computer-controlled.
  dan: how do your quality control systems operate?
  manager: there're a total of six checks in the whole manufacturing process. all products have to pass strict inspections before they go out.
  dan: it gave me a good idea of your products. i was very impressed. you have excellent facilities and efficient stuff. if it is not too much trouble, i would like to talk with your general manager.
  1. hard hat 安全帽;保守派人士
  2. merge [m?:d?] v. 合并,融合,兼并
  3. automated ['?:t?umeitid] adj. 自动化的
  4. impress [im'pres] n. 印记,印象;特征;v. 使……有印象;影响;传送
  1. i can set up a tour next thursday.
  2. are they satisfied with the working conditions?
  3. i thoroughly enjoyed the tour of your company. it provided a great insight into the company we will be dealing with.
  4. where can we see your complete lines?
  5. to keep up with overwhelming customer response, our company expanded rapidly.
  6. would you please tell me your schedule so that we can arrange the visit for you?
  7. the firm was set up in the early 70s.
  8. we shall be pleased to show you some of our electronic products.
  tom's company has invited a foreign customer to negotiate the business. his director jim asked him to arrange a lavish buffet to entertain their customer.
  jim: hey, guy. i am very glad to see you.
  tom: really? can i be of any assistance to you?
  jim: you know that mr. gates just came to our company to work out a deal with us.we must arrange a dinner to welcome his coming. and i want to take the task to you.
  tom: are we going to have a dinner this evening?
  jim: a buffet. you should allow for the guest's eating habits and then select appropriate food for him, not only serving yourself.
  tom: that's a little difficult. can't you give the task to someone else?
  jim: no, sorry, i can't. it belongs to you.
  1. work out 解决,确定;想出;制订出;计算
  2. deal [di:l] n. 协定,交易;大量;v. 应付;处理;交易,经营
  3. buffet ['b?fit] n.自助餐,饮食柜台;打击;v. 连续猛击,打击
  4. allow for 考虑到,顾及;为……留出余地
  5. banquet ['b??kwit] n. 宴会;v. 参加宴会
  seated dinners 宴会(较正式,嘉宾每人都有各自固定的席位)
  receptions 招待会
  buffet dinners 自助餐(也称冷餐会)
  cocktail parties 鸡尾酒会(时尚发布会后经常举办类似酒会)
  some etiquette you can't miss
  1. if you don't like what's being served, don't say so.
  2. don't put your used napkin on the top of the table.
  3. if something that goes into your mouth must come out because it's unchewable, don't spit it out or into the napkin.
  4. cut only two or three pieces of meat at a time.
  5. signal the servers that you are still eating by placing your fork and knife in an inverted v on your plate from the 10 to 2 o'clock positions.
  6. turn cell phones off when at dinner.
  1. 如果不喜欢餐桌上的食物,也不要说出来。
  2. 不要把用过的餐巾放在桌子上面。
  3. 吃到难以下咽的东西,也不要吐出来或吐在餐巾纸上。
  4. 吃肉时每次最多切成两到三块。
  5. 如果要提示服务员继续用餐,把餐叉和小刀放在你盘子上10点到2点钟的位置成倒v状。
  6. 用餐时把手机关掉。
