02 沟通协商

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  02 沟通协商
  the two parties are negotiating about the products price.
  a: i'm interested in your computers, but i'm wondering about the price you'll possibly offer.
  b: as far as that style of computers is concerned we have agreed on a unit price of 400 dollars for at least 50, and we can't go below that price for an order of this size.
  a: your price is much higher than i expected. we are making a large order of 200. could you give us a little discount?
  b: i know you're making a large order but you are also getting excellent products at a very large discount. 400 dollors is almost the lowest price we can offer.
  a: i'm afraid i can't agree with you. your price is much higher than other companies'. we can't buy with your offer.
  b: well, what do you suggest then? how about 5%? the price is already a little tight,and our profit margin is not that large.
  a: let's close the deal at a discount of 8%,ok?
  b: you drive a hard bargain! ok, that's a deal.
  1. discount ['diskaunt] n. 折扣,贴现率;v. 打折扣,贴现;不重视
  2. margin ['mɑ:d?in] n. 边缘,余地;幅度;利润;页边空白;定金
  3. close the deal 达成交易
  4. hard bargain 吃亏的买卖;条件苛刻、没有让步的协议
  在双方谈判交流的过程中,一定要注意倾听对方的发言,如果对对方的观点已经了解,可以说:i see what you mean.(我明白您的意思。)如果表示同意,可以说:that would be nice.(那样太好了。)或者i agree with you.(我赞成。)如果是可以接受但必须有条件,可以用on the condition that这个句型,例如:we accept your proposal, on the condition that you place a large order than 5000.(如果您订购超过5000台,我们会接受您的提议。)
  另外,在与外商尤其是欧美国家的商人谈判时,如果有不同意见,最好坦白直率地提出来,而不要拐弯抹角。比如无法赞同对方的意见时,可以说:i don't think that's a good idea.(我并不认为那是个好主意。)或者frankly speaking, we can't agree with your proposal.(坦白地讲,我无法同意您的提案。)如果是拒绝,可以直接说:we can't accept. it's too high.(这个价格太高,我们不能接受。)
  maggie is busy with her work in the office. customer comes to voice a complaint about sending wrong products. and maggie is dealing with that for the customer.
  maggie: i have to apologize to you again. i promise it will never happen again.
  customer: i have never thought that you have sent me the wrong products! what am i supposed to do now?
  maggie: i'm terribly sorry. the person in charge of your company's supplies is a green hand. we'll resend the products to you at once.
  customer: i'm under pressure to make delivery to my clients with the terms of the contract. i am not going to tear up the contract.
  maggie: here, i'll give you a higher discount on these products. besides, we'll compensate for all the losses caused by our mistake. how about that?
  customer: all right! since you are sincere,i'll say nothing more. thank you.
  maggie: that's all right. we hope to provide you with good service for many years to come.
  1. green hand 新手,无经验的人
  2. make delivery 交货
  3. tear up 撕毁,撕破
  4. compensate ['k?mpenseit] v. 补偿,赔偿;付报酬
  争议(dispute)是指交易一方认为对违反合同规定,或因对方不履约或不完全履约所引起的纠纷。争议的解决(settlement of disputes)是指双方当事人就争议所做出的处理。其方式可分:协商(negotiation)、协调(conciliation)、仲裁(arbitration)和诉讼(litigation)。常用的句型有:
  1. i think all disputes between us shall be settled amicably through negotiation.
  2. we promise to try to solve the matter to your satisfaction.
  3. our company will cover the losses arising from it.
  4. we agree to compensate for all the losses, but ask you to drop the lawsuit.
  5. if no settlements can be reached through negotiation, the case shall be submitted to the arbitration commission for arbitration.
  6. we feel pity that you shipped bulk products not corresponding in quality with the sample.
  elvin has been in the new company for two months. his friend zina wants to know how elvin gets along with his job.
  zina: hi, elvin. how do you like your new job?
  elvin: pretty good. my colleagues are all quite easy-going. it's a very friendly place to work. in all, everything is great so far.
  zina: that's really fine. have you learned the ropes at your new job?
  elvin: almost. i work in the sales department. the corporate culture is totally different from my former company. when i was assigned a task at my last job, i was totally on my own. but here most of the work is done in teams. everyone works closely with each other. so i can learn a lot from it and get into the swing of it quickly.
  zina: that's really nice. team—work is highly valued in many companies. it's very important to be involved in the team at work.
  elvin: yeah, that's good for a positive work environment and helps motivate employees. i prefer it to working independently. my former boss was extremely controlling and overbearing.
  zina: well, now you don't have to worry about that. your new place sounds really good.
  1. corporate culture 企业文化
  2. assign [?'sain] v. 分配,指派;归因,确定;n. 受让人,接受财产等转让的人
  3. get into the swing of 开始熟悉
  4. overbearing ['?uv?'b??ri?] adj. 傲慢的,骄傲自大的,蛮横的
  team spirit in recent years has been getting more and more attention by the enterprise operators and has been adopted by most of them. obviously, dictatorial management behavior hasn't existed any more in modern society. neglecting of the role of team means large loss in the operation of the business. in order to enhance the team cohesion, team spirit training arises at the historic moment.
  what makes a good team?
  1. the members work towards a common objective.
  2. the members co-operate fully with each other.
  3. the members trust each other.
  4. the members share information effectively within the team.
  5. the members listen to different points of view.
  6. they talk openly and honestly within the team.
  7. when people are under pressure, others offer help.
  1. 团队成员要为一个共同的目标努力。
  2. 成员之间相互密切合作。
  3. 成员之间相互信任。
  4. 团队能够有效地分享信息资源。
  5. 成员之间善于听取意见。
  6. 成员之间话题公开,坦诚相对。
  7. 遇到压力时,成员间会互相帮助。
  david is calling his customer to increase the possibility of successful cooperation.
  david: hello, this is david white from abc company. may i speak to mr. smith?
  mr. smith: speaking. what can i do for you, mr. white?
  david: i'm sorry to bother you. i was told that you have an intention to cooperate with us, don't you?
  mr. smith: yes, i do.
  david: thank you for your attention to our company. i have a feeling that there will be a bright future for us to cooperate within the field. is there anything that i can offer you?
  mr. smith: hmm…i appreciate your sincerity. i'd like to know more about your company. could you send me some details about your company and products?
  david: no problem. i will send them to you soon.
  mr. smith: that's very kind of you. thank you.
  david: you're welcome. i will assure you of our business.
  1. intention [in'ten??n] n. 意图,目的,意向;打算
  2. assure [?'?u?] v. 使确信,使放心;确保
  1. is it possible to give us some details about the products?
  2. we want to buy food additives. please contact us with the details of your products and price.
  3. the more we know about you, the more orders we will make.
  4. i am interested in your plane models. could you send me details about the wp546 model?
  5. please contact us if you would like to hear and see more.
  6. for more information, please visit the project site.
  7. may i know more about your party?
  since two parties have the intention to promote cooperation, it's indispensible to negotiate for the details.
  tom: since you'd like to act as our sole agent, we'd like to know your plan to push the sales of our products. an agent may give us lots of help to break into a new market. i hope it's a win-win result for both of us.
  agent: well, we'll advertise a lot on tv programs and in newspaper. at the same time we'll execute widespread promotion activities. we propose the guaranteed annual amount be $500 000 for a start.
  tom: that's not bad. what is the territory to be covered?
  agent: all the areas in louisiana state.
  tom: and the rate of commission you ask for? we usually grant commission at the rate of about 6% on every deal.
  agent: honestly, the rate of commission you grant us is far too small. we want to get a 10% commission. because our potential customers are not familiar with your goods,so it'll cost us a lot of money to popularize your products.
  tom: all right. we understand your position in being a middleman. we can make this an exception and give you an 8% commission for a trial period of one year.
  agent: pretty reasonable. i am confident that our cooperation will succeed.
  1. sole agent 独家代理
  2. win-win [win'win] adj 双赢的,双方都获利的
  3. grant [grɑ:nt] v. 授予;同意;承认,认为;n. 授予物,补助金;同意,给予;财产转让
  4. middleman ['midl?m?n] n.中间人,经纪人
  1. one strand of silk doesn't make a thread; one tree doesn't make a forest.
  2. united we stand, divided we fall.
  3. it's difficult to achieve anything without friendly support.
  4. the planning lies with man, the outcome with heaven.
  the contract is the guarantee for both parties to keep promises.
  andrew: have you had a chance to look over the draft contract?
  bill: yes, i made a very close study of it.
  andrew: any questions?
  bill: yes, there is a point which i'd like to bring up. i found some clauses in this contract are in conflict with the supplementary conditions. how do we deal with it?
  andrew: i think the supplementary conditions should be taken as final and binding. do you agree?
  bill: i see. we can accept that.
  andrew: is there anything else?
  bill: no, nothing more.
  andrew: ok, we must make it clear in the contract. i will add the term to the contract soon.
  (a moment later)
  andrew: please look this over before we sign it . if there is no problem, shall we sign this contract now?
  bill: of course. i've been looking forward to this moment.
  1. in conflict wit 和……有矛盾,不一致
  2. binding ['baindi?] adj. 必须遵守的,有法律约束力的;n. 镶边,(书籍的)封皮
  3. look over 把……看一遍,把……过目;察看,参观
  contract 合同,订立合同
  make a contract 签订合同
  contractor 订约人,承包人
  place a contract 订合同
  contractual 合同的,契约的
  enter into a contract 订合同
  sign a contract 签合同
  draw up a contract 拟订合同
  get a contract 得到合同
  land a contract 得到或拥有合同
  a written contract 书面合同
  countersign a contract 会签合同
  draft a contract 起草合同
  copies of the contract 合同副本
  originals of the contract 合同正本
  a nice fat contract 一份很有利的合同
  an executory contract 尚待履行的合同
  having dinner is a common way to celebrate cooperation.
  peter: mr. white, i wonder if you have time this evening.
  mr. white: i am available this evening. do you have any plans?
  peter: would you be interested in dining with us to celebrate our cooperation?
  mr. white: oh, that's very kind of you. i'd like to.
  peter: which kind of restaurant do you prefer, chinese or western?
  mr. white: i've heard of that china has a unique and long history food culture, so i'd like to taste the local cuisine.
  peter: no problem. i know a famous restaurant nearby. the cuisine there is delicious and has its own specialty. how about going there?
  mr. white: it's up to you.
  peter: ok, i'll pick you up at 6:00 p.m., if it's right with you.
  mr. white: of course. see you.
  peter: see you.
  1. unique [ju:'ni:k] adj. 独特的,独一无二的,稀罕的
  2. food culture 饮食文化
  3. cuisine [kwi'zi:n] n. 烹饪,佳肴
  1. to our pleasant cooperation!
  2. i am glad to collaborate actively with you in the new field.
  3. the marriage of our two companies is a match in heaven.
  4. we'll hold a celebration to treat you this evening.
  5. champagne corks are popping throughout the celebrations.
  6. we eventually create a win-win situation with our solidarity and tireless efforts.
  7. i propose a toast to our successful cooperation.
