03 医疗保健

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  03 医疗保健
  susan is complaining in the ofi ce that sh bought a dress yesterday but she found it was hard to dress up.
  amy: you are heavier than you used to be,aren't you?
  susan: yes, i know. i am getting fat. i want to lose weight but i just couldn't help eating much food.
  amy: what did you eat?
  susan: junk food, like pizza, hamburger,and ice cream and so on, you know.
  amy: if you want to lose weight, the point is that you should resist your eating desire and keep doing exercise. and no junk food.
  susan: then what should i eat?
  amy: more vegetables and fruit. they are rich in vitamins. besides, you need to work out. what sports do you like?
  susan: i like to play tennis, but it's hard to find a partner here.
  amy: yes. few people play tennis here.actually, walking up and down the stairs would be also useful for losing weight. you may also go jogging every morning.
  susan: great! thank you for your advice.
  amy: that's nothing. but remember that the most important is perseverance.
  1. get fat 发胖
  2. lose weight 减肥
  3. junk food 垃圾食品
  4. vitamin [?vit?min] n. 维生素
  5. work out 锻炼;可以解决;做出,计算出
  6. perseverance [?p?:si'vi?r?ns] n. 不屈不挠;毅力, 坚韧不拔
  best tips for dieting
  step 1: don't “go on a diet”; change your diet(不是节食,而是改变饮食习惯)
  step 2: avoid refined sugar(别吃精炼的糖)
  step 3: quick fix diets only work short-term(快速节食只能短期见效)
  step 4: don't eat if you're not hungry(不饿的时候不要吃东西)
  step 5: cut down on alcohol(少喝饮料)
  step 6: some fats are good(一定的脂肪是有益的)
  step 7: get moving — exercise is essential(坚持运动,锻炼必不可少)
  step 8: never skip a meal — especially breakfast(每餐都要吃,尤其是早餐)
  step 9: take time to eat(细嚼慢咽)
  step 10: drink plenty of water(多喝水)
  step 11: eat five portions of fruit and vegetables per day(每天吃5份水果和蔬菜)
  step 12: have many meals but little food at each(少吃多餐)
  julie had a heavy cold yesterday and was coughing all the morning in the company. she had to ask for leave to see a doctor. and now she is in a hospital.
  julie: excuse me, where shall i register,please?
  nurse: go straight along this road and make a left turn in the end of the road.
  julie: thank you.
  (a few moment later)
  julie: is this the registration office?
  nurse: yes, it is. please queue up to register. which department for?
  julie: i don't know exactly.
  nurse: please tell me your illness so that i can tell you which department you can register with.
  julie: i've got a sore throat, a runny nose,and cough.
  nurse: ok, i will register you with medical department. please register your information here and pay for it. and i'll make a medical record for you.
  julie: ok. how much do i need to pay for the registration?
  nurse: you need to pay 5 yuan for the registration.
  julie: here is the money.
  nurse: this is your registration card. please don't lose it and bring it whenever you come.
  julie: yes, i will. but can you tell me how to get to the medical department?
  nurse: it's on the second floor.
  julie: thank you.
  1. have a cold 患感冒
  2. queue up 排队
  3. sore [s?:] adj. 疼痛的,痛心的;恼火的;严重的;n. 痛处,伤口
  4. medical department 内科;医务室
  5. medical record 病历卡;病史档案
  1. which department do you want to register with?
  2. have you got a registration card?
  3. do you have medicine insurance? or will you pay for this yourself?
  4. do you want to see a specialist or an ordinary doctor?
  5. have you ever registered with dr. smith before?
  6. do i need to pay my registered fee here?
  7. do i need to register again if i ask for a transfer?
  8. i'd like to get specialist treatment.
  tony is seeing a doctor in a hospital.
  tony: good morning, doctor.
  doctor: good morning. what's the matter with you?
  tony: i'm suffering from insomnia.
  doctor: how long have you been like this?
  tony: more than a month.
  doctor: have you taken any medicine?
  tony: i tried some sleeping pills, but they are of no effect to me.
  doctor: do you have a pain in the head?
  tony: sometimes. i feel exhausted and drowsy most of the time.
  doctor: let me take your blood pressure. you look anemic.
  (after taking tony's blood pressure)
  doctor: well, there is nothing to worry about. you are just a little exhausted from overwork.
  tony: then what should i do?
  doctor: i think you should get more rest. try to get outside and exercise more. remember not to strain yourself too much.
  tony: ok, i'll do as you say.
  doctor: here is the prescription for you. i'm sure the medicine will cure your insomnia.
  tony: thank you very much, doctor.
  1. insomnia [in's?mni?] n. 失眠,失眠症
  2. sleeping pill 安眠药片
  3. drowsy [?drauzi] adj. 昏昏欲睡的,困倦的
  4. blood pressure 血压
  5. anemic [?'ni:mik] adj. 贫血的,患贫血症的;无活力的
  6. prescription [pris'krip??n] n. 处方,药方;对策
  chinese medicine pharmacy 中药房
  clinic area 日间门诊
  intensive care unit(icu) 加护病房
  evening clinic 夜间门诊
  out-patient departments(opd) 各科门诊
  suggestions 民众意见箱
  premature babies 早产儿室
  admissions 住院室
  volunteer services 义工服务台
  clock in / out 打卡刷卡区
  information 服务台(询问处)
  injections 注射室
  treatment room 治疗室
  outpatient hall 门诊大厅
  out-patient 门诊部
  labor room 待产室
  waiting area 候诊区
  sterilization 消毒室
  postpartum care center 产后护理中心
  neonatal ward 新生儿病房
  physicians' lounge 医师休息室
  medicine receiving 取药处
  nursery room / mother and baby room 育婴室
  dept. chief office 科主任办公室
  julie's colleague abel got a car accident and was wounded so seriously that he needs an operation immediately. now abel's parents and julie are waiting outside the operating theatre.
  mom: i wonder how the operation is going.i am really worried about abel. how did that happen?
  julie: please don't worry about abel. the doctor said he will try all means to save abel. i'm sure everything will be getting on very well during the operation. please sit down and take it easy.
  mom: i can't help being worried. abel is still in danger. the operation has lasted six hours. i wish the operation was done at once, so i can see my son.
  julie: look! the doctor is coming from the theatre.
  mom: doctor, did the surgery go smoothly?
  doctor: yeah, the operation was plain sailing. but the patient needs to be placed in the hospital for observation at present.
  mom: thanks a lot, doctor. thank god.
  1. theatre ['θi?t?] n. 戏院,剧场;手术室;战区
  2. take it easy 别着急,放轻松
  3. plain sailing 一帆风顺,进展顺利
  1. the doctor said it is just a minor operation so you can be easy in your mind about it.
  2. take it easy. the doctor who will operate on you is experienced and considerate.
  3. deep breath and relax.
  4. there is nothing to be alarmed about. we have made a careful plan about the operation.
  5. you're going to have general anesthesia.
  6. during the operation you will be senseless with the work of anesthesia. you'll find yourself back in your room after the operation.
  7. dr. smith is in charge of the operation.
  the weekend is coming. when it's time to get off work, susan asks her colleague julie how she is going to spend this weekend.
  susan: hey, julie, do you have any plans for the weekend?
  julie: not yet. do you have any good ideas?
  susan: what do you think of doing yoga tomorrow?
  julie: come on, susan. you know i have taken up yoga for two years and i do it every day. and now i'd like to do something quite different.
  susan: the yoga i said is not the same thing that you said.
  julie: what do you mean?
  susan: we often do yoga on land, but the yoga i am referring to now is the water yoga.
  julie: wait, wait. water yoga?
  susan: yeah, it is gaining in popularity in india. in the city of agra, famous for the taj mahal, legions of locals perform their asanas or postures in a pool, which makes it more challenging than on land. and it also improves your buoyancy and flexibility.
  julie: oh, it must wear people out.
  susan: not so much. water yoga can be performed for much longer than other forms,as the body does not get tired quickly. what's more, water yoga really boosts energy and helps ward off disease.
  julie: it sounds very interesting! okay, let's have a try tomorrow.
  1. taj mahal 泰姬陵(印度的皇妃墓)
  2. legion ['li:d??n] n. 军团,众多的人;adj. 很多的
  3. asana ['as?n?] n. 瑜珈任何一种姿势
  4. boost [bu:st] v. 提高,增加;鼓励;举起;n. 增加,推进;鼓励
  5. buoyancy ['b?i?nsi] n. 浮力,弹性;心情愉快
  6. wear sb. out 使某人精疲力竭
  7. ward off 避开,防止
  strawberries, oranges, sweet red peppers and broccoli rich in vitamin c
  vitamin c acts as a cell-protecting antioxidant and an immune booster. taking vitamin c might help prevent colds or flu.
  chicken soup 鸡汤
  chicken soup has specifically been shown in studies to thin mucus secretions.
  garlic 大蒜
  former research found that allicin can help prevent colds as well as shorten their duration.
  green tea 绿茶
  green tea contains antioxidants that can help to boost immune function.
  lean meats 瘦肉
  zinc is an important mineral that lean red meat and poultry, as well as fish and shellfish provide. zinc nasal sprays and lozenges have been shown to reduce the duration of a cold and the severity of symptoms, but ingesting too much zinc is harmful.
  honey 蜂蜜
  honey may reduce cough by coating and soothing an irritated throat.
  hot peppers 辣椒
  capsaicin in hot peppers that provides the heat and spiciness of the food, can thin mucus, giving you a runny nose to help you breathe better and allow your nasal passages to get rid of germs.
  jane comes to the pharmacy to take some medicine.
  jane: good morning, doctor.
  chemist: good morning, madam. what can i do for you?
  jane: could you fill the prescription for me?
  chemist: sure. please show me the prescription.
  jane: here you are.
  chemist: just a moment, please. well, your prescription is ready. take three of these tablets each after dinner and chew a big pill and swallow the bits with water or put one in water to dissolve it. remove the wax before taking it. take them three times a day.
  jane: how about this cough syrup?
  chemist: first shake the bottle. take a scoop of the cough syrup three times a day. instructions on the bottle also tell you how to take it.
  jane: thanks. by the way, does this medicine taste very bitter?
  chemist: aha, good medicine for health tastes bitter. i hope you will recover in no time.
  jane: thank you very much, doctor.
  1. prescription [pris'krip??n] n. 处方,药方;对策
  2. cough syrup 止咳糖浆
  3. scoop [sku:p] n. 铲子,勺;穴;独家新闻;v. 挖空, 舀取;抢先报道(获得)
  a.c. before meals饭前
  b.i.d. twice daily1天两次
  eod every other day 每隔1天
  noct at night晚上服用
  npo nothing by mouth不能吃东西(禁食)
  p.c. after meals 饭后
  qh every hour每小时一次
  q2h every 2 hours 每两个小时一次
  q.i.d. four times daily1天4次
  stat immediately马上,立刻
  t.i.d. three times daily1天3次
  otc over-the-counter非处方药
