03 亲朋好友

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  03 亲朋好友
  tina's mother returns home after work as usual.
  tina: mom, thank goodness, you're back at last!
  mom: what's up, tina? does everything go well?
  tina: quite well, mom. don't you remember what day it is today?
  mom: let me think. your birthday? no, your birthday is coming in next month. what special day is it today, honey?
  tina: oh, mom. today is your birthday. didn't you remember it at all?
  mom: oh, my god! i completely forgot it.
  tina: happy birthday, mom! here is my present for you.
  mom: thank you, honey.
  tina: mom, it's me who should say thanks. our family was in financial straits five years ago, so i wanted to find a job instead of going to university. but you insisted on affording me to put through university. you are a great mother. i love you so much.
  mom: i love you, too. i just thought that further education is the way to a better life at that time.
  tina: thank you, mom. if i gave up my study, i wouldn't have made such outstanding achievements.
  mom: i'm so proud of you.
  1. strait [streit] n. 海峡;困境;adj. 困难的;窘迫的
  2. put through 接通(电话),顺利完成
  3. at that time 在当时
  4. outstanding [aut'st?ndi?] adj. 优秀的,突出的;未支付的;未完成的
  what's the meaning of “mother”?
  “m” is for the million things she gave me,
  “o” means only that she's growing old,
  “t” is for the tears she shed to save me,
  “h” is for her heart of purest gold,
  “e” is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
  “r” means right, and right she'll always be.
  tom meets with setbacks in his work and life. he falls into a depression.
  dad: what's the matter, son?
  tom: nothing, dad. i just feel a little depressed.
  dad: a little depressed? i saw you terribly distressed all day long lately. i know i am busy with my business these years and care little for you, but i do pay much attention to you. i think we should have a heart-to-heart talk.
  tom: i lost my mind these days. things just don't go right, no matter how i try.
  dad: life will inevitably have setbacks. through all the pain, you'll finally truly find yourself. difficulties are only temporary. take what you need and be on your way. you know i always have faith in you.
  tom: you are always confident in me? but you never praise me no matter what i do.
  dad: that's my way to educate you. and now i finally know what you want, i will change my way later.
  tom: i didn't see what a good father you were before, but i do now. your guidance has always been appreciated. how could i be so lucky to have a dad like you. thank you, dad.
  1. heart-to-heart ['ha:tt?'ha:t] adj. 率直的;诚实的;n. 交心
  2. lose one's mind 精神错乱
  3. go right 成功地;顺利地;按预定计划地
  4. inevitably [in'evit?bli] adv. 不可避免地
  5. setback ['setb?k] n. 挫折,失败;退步
  6. temporary ['temp?reri] adj. 暂时的,临时的;n. 临时工
  the united states is one of the few countries in the world that regard father's day as an official day. on that day fathers are honored by their children. on the third sunday in june, fathers all across the united states are given presents,treated to dinner by children or other ways made to feel special.
  after travelling in beijing for two weeks,maggie has to say goodbye to her friend susan. susan sees her off at the airport.
  maggie: it's nice of you to come all the way to see me off at the airport, susan.
  susan: my pleasure. if not the end of your holiday, i really don't want you to leave.
  maggie: during my stay here, you take me to see the national palace museum, the great wall and many other tourist attractions and taste all the cates in beijing. thank you for all you've done for me. how can i thank you enough?
  susan: i'm very happy to do all of that. listen,the announcer's announcing the departure of flight no. 876 to guangxi. is it your flight?
  maggie: yes, how time flies! i must be going.
  susan: i will miss you very much. take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch.
  maggie: i will. goodbye.
  susan: goodbye. have a good journey.
  1. all the way 一直,完全
  2. national palace museum 故宫博物院
  3. the great wall 长城
  4. tourist attraction 旅游圣地
  5. cate [keit] n. 佳肴,美食
  6. departure [di'pɑ:t??] n. 出发,离开;分歧;新的尝试
  7. keep in touch 保持联系
  i dismount from my horse and i offer you wine,
  and i ask you where you are going and why.
  and you answer, i am discontent
  and would rest at the foot of the southern mountain.
  so give me leave and ask me no questions.
  white clouds pass there without end.
  shirley comes to visit her high school classmate david today.
  david: shirley, here you come! please come in.
  shirley: long time no see. how have you been, david?
  david: couldn't be better. and you?
  shirley: not bad.
  david: you are even more beautiful than when i last saw you half a year ago.
  shirley: really? thank you.
  david: please have a sit. make yourself at home! what would you like to drink, coffee or tea?
  shirley: tea, please.
  david: i bought some “longjing tea” last week. why don't you have a taste?
  shirley: it's great. it has a nice aroma. thank you. what have you been doing for the past six months?
  david: i've changed my job and became a businessman.
  shirley: oh, is your business proceeding smoothly?
  david: i met some difficulties at first, but now it has developed along the right track.
  shirley: congratulations to you!
  david: thank you.
  1. have a taste 尝一尝
  2. aroma [?'r?um?] n. 浓香,香气
  3. proceed [pr?'si:d] v. 继续进行;开始,着手;进行,开展
  4. at firs 最初,起先,刚开始时
  5. track [tr?k] n. 轨道,跑道;踪迹,小路;v. 追踪,跟踪
  1. i'm sorry i didn't call first.
  2. how nice of you to come!
  thank you for coming.
  3. please feel free to make yourself at home.
  make yourself at home.
  4. would you like something to drink?
  would you care for something to drink?
  what would you like to drink?
  5. i'd better get going now.
  i have to leave now.
  i must be going now.
  6. thanks so much for inviting me today.
  i really appreciate all of your hospitality.
  7. drop by at any time.
  come and visit anytime.
  feel free to come to visit me any time.
  after the revelry in karl's home, susan has got to run.
  susan: karl, i had a great time tonight, but it's getting late. i'd better go.
  karl: no, not so soon. can't you stay any longer?
  susan: i'm afraid not, and i am a little tired,too. time to call it a night for me.
  karl: all right. i can't stop you if you are set on going.
  susan: well, thanks so much for inviting me today. i had a rorty time. goodbye.
  karl: goodbye, susan. thank you very much for coming. hope to see you again. i'll miss you!
  susan: i'll miss you, too. so long! do remember staying in touch.
  karl: i will. take care!
  1. be set on 决心要(一心想,专心于)
  2. rorty ['r?:ti] adj. 有趣的;喜欢玩乐和刺激的;(人声)喧闹的
  3. stay in touch 保持联系
  keep in touch
  stay in touch
  keep up with
  keep in contact with sb.
  stay in contact with sb.
  be in touch
  liaise with sb.
  one of julie and shirley's head teachers has retired this year. tomorrow is teachers' day. they are discussing how to express their gratitude to her.
  julie: hey, shirley. do you remember our head teacher in senior high school?
  shirley: of course. she helped me a lot that time.
  julie: she has just retired this year. i think we should have time to pay a visit to her. we have graduated from high school for almost six years, but we rarely call in her.
  shirley: yes, i will never forget her humor and kindness. tomorrow happens to be teachers' day. maybe we can visit her and send her a present tomorrow.
  julie: oh, i almost forgot it. i would give her a call on teachers' day before. what present are we going to send to her?
  shirley: flowers. i remember she likes lilies best. we can buy her some lilies and baby's breath.
  julie: good idea. let's have a bunch of flowers reserved.
  1. senior ['si:nj?] adj. 地位较高的,高级的;年长的;资深的;n. 上司;年长者,长辈;大四学生
  2. rarely ['r??li] adv. 很少,难得
  3. for ever 永远
  4. lily ['lili] n. 百合花;adj. 纯白的
  5. baby's breath 满天星
  6. a bunch of 一束;一群,一伙;很多
  1. your lessons are still the one that helps me; your words are still fresh and warm; you've swayed my life so deeply. you're still my best teacher for ever.
  2. you are a special person in my life. we all love you, sir!
  3. i'm more thankful than i can express.
  4. i am sincerely grateful to you for what you have done.
  5. you are like a third parent. we all love you and respect you.
  6. send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day. happy teachers' day!
