02 体育锻炼

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  02 体育锻炼
  ashley and megan are discussing to take exercise in a gymnasium on sunday.
  ashley: hey, is there much work?
  megan: yes, i am afraid so, but when i think tomorrow is the weekend, i would be excited.
  ashley: me, too. we have been too busy these days. how about your case?
  megan: it meets the bottleneck. i don't know how to deal with it.
  ashley: oh, don't worry. you can work it out.
  megan: thanks for your comfortable words.by the way, would you like to take exercise? i have found a new gymnasium.
  ashley: oh? how about the equipment?
  megan: the equipment is introduced from overseas.
  ashley: great. i love taking exercise. is it ok on sunday?
  megan: ok, we can meet at the gate of the company. the gymnasium is near our company. i heard that the nude fitness is pop now. have you ever taken part in it?
  ashley: i can not accept it.
  megan: many people think nude fitness is very normal.
  ashley: yes, i know, and there are quite a lot of nude fitness clubs.
  megan: yeah. at ski resort of austria there is actually a nude skiing.
  ashley: are you kidding? not cold?
  megan: how on earth!
  ashley: by the way, is that gymnasium nude?
  megan: of course not.
  1. gymnasium [d?im?neizi?m] n. 健身房
  2. bottleneck [?b?tl?nek] n. 瓶颈;(尤指工商业发展的)瓶颈,阻碍,障碍
  3. deal with 处理
  4. nude fitnes 裸体健身
  1. hello, i would like to join your gym. could you tell me something about the services you offer?
  2. we offer many kinds of services, including massage, bodybuilding and yoga.
  3. i just got a membership of this gym.
  4. if you want to tone up your legs, i suggest using the treadmill.
  many women are especially interested in practicing yoga now.
  wendy: nancy, you look like in perfect condition.
  nancy: that's because i go to the gym to keep fit every day.
  wendy: which sports do you participate in?
  nancy: i've been doing yoga for a long time.
  wendy: really? how do you feel when you practice yoga?
  nancy: i feel really tired and sweat a lot.
  wendy: but it will help you keep fit.
  nancy: sure. yoga is used to promote people's physical, intellectual and mental harmony and health. but more importantly, i can keep my mind peaceful.
  wendy: well, not bad. we have high work pressure. i read a strange piece of news about yoga several days ago.
  nancy: what did it say?
  wendy: it said that a prison in india set a strange rule: the prisoners who take part in the yoga training for 3 months can get commutation pardon.
  nancy: really? it is a strange rule, isn't it?
  wendy: yeah. they think the yoga can not only improve the prisoners' health, but also make them calmer and reduce the violence.
  nancy: i believe it will be a good measure.
  1. participate [pɑ:?tisipeit] v. 参与,参加
  2. promote [pr??m?ut] v. 提升;发起;促进,推动
  3. physical [?fizik?l] adj.物质的;身体的;自然规律的;物理学的
  4. commutation [?k?mju?tei??n] n. 交换,折算,折合;减刑
  5. pardon [?pɑ:d?n] v. 宽恕,原谅;赦免,特赦;n. 饶恕,原谅;赦免
  6. reduce [ri?dju:s] v. 减少,降低;使衰退,缩减,减弱;约束,限制
  7. violence [?vai?l?ns] n. 暴力;强烈;狂热,激情
  yoga vocabulary
  sira 脉管
  dhamani 经络
  asana 姿势,体位
  pranayama 呼吸节奏
  pratyahara 梵语(意为制止感觉)
  samadhi 快乐宁静的状态
  dhyana 中译“禅那”(印度的静坐冥想)
  yoga nidra 瑜伽休息术
  ghagavad gita 薄伽梵歌(每一个修习瑜伽的人必读的一本书)
  sun salutation 拜日式
  drishtis 凝视法(指注视或集中在一点上)
  ujjayi 胜利呼吸法(一种独特的呼吸技巧与方法)
  hiranyagarbha 布茹阿玛,金胎(是从至尊的能量产生的最初的生物)
  vinyasa yoga 流瑜伽
  integral yoga 完整瑜伽
  power yoga 力量瑜伽
  ashtanga yoga 阿斯汤加瑜珈,又名power yoga(是哈达瑜伽中最讲求体力的)
  hatha yoga 哈达瑜伽(瑜伽中的一支,是现今最流行亦最为人熟悉的瑜伽修炼方法)
  iyengar yoga 近年西方最为人熟悉的哈达瑜伽学派(将瑜伽科学及医学化,借以改善个人生理及心理上的种种毛病)
  jnana yoga 智者瑜伽,是一个探讨哲学,进行思辩(最终获得自知之明)的体系,它要求你研究自己关心的经文,并进行沉思。
  jennifer is a fan of taekwondo.
  nicole: hey, jennifer. is that true that you are learning taekwondo recently?
  jennifer: yes. i have just attended a taekwondo class.
  nicole: so cool. can you tell me some basic roles about it? i know nothing about it.
  jennifer: my pleasure. taekwondo has roots in ancient korean martial arts. it emphasizes courtesy. a taekwondo match comprises three rounds lasting three minutes each. in taekwondo, both punching with fists and kicking with feet are allowed. that's all what i know.
  nicole: sounds interesting. it is a good choice to protect ourselves.
  jennifer: do you want to try? i have a class today, and you can go with me after work.
  nicole: that's great!
  1. taekwondo [tai'k?nd?u] n. 跆拳道
  2. courtesy [?k?:tisi] n. 谦恭有礼,有礼貌的举止;adj. 礼貌上的
  3. emphasize [?emf?saiz] v. 强调;重读;使突出,使明显
  4. comprise [k?m?praiz] v. 包含,包括,由……组成
  5. attend [??tend] v. 参加;照顾,照看
  6. opponent [??p?un?nt] n. 对手;反对者
  7. punch [p?nt?] v. 用拳猛击;用力按;n. 拳打;穿孔机
  referee 裁判员
  leaping kick 跳踢
  rest period 局间休息
  rule violation 违规
  tie 平局
  victory by knockout 击倒获胜
  front kick 前踢
  side kick 侧踢
  cross kick 横踢
  dobok 道服
  protective gear 护具
  black belt 黑带
  martial art is the treasure of the chinese nation. practicing kung fu can strenghen the physique.
  noah: hey, it is said that our boss will give us some film tickets.
  jacob: yes, i heard that it was a blockbuster. would it be kung fu panda 2?
  noah: maybe. by the way, do you know something about chinese kung fu? i only saw kung fu in movies.
  jacob: i know little about it. i know a few kung fu stars, such as bruce lee, jackie chan and jet lee.
  noah: hey, hey, man, i also know these. tell me something i don't know. for example,what are the functions? for fighting?
  jacob: frankly speaking, the main purpose is to strengthen the physique. besides defense and offence, the most outstanding functions of martial art are moral cultivation and artistic effect.
  noah: it seems that i have mistaken martial art as fighting skills.
  jacob: it does contain this part. martial art has a history of thousands of years. chinese culture is deeply intertwined into it. but martial art at ancient time is totally different from that in modern times.
  noah: so it is a good way to learn chinese culture through martial art.
  jacob: certainly.
  noah: you really know a lot. just like wiki.
  jacob: you flatter me too much.
  1. blockbuster [?bl?k?b?st?] n. 重磅炸弹;大片
  2. strengthen [?stre?θn] v. 加强,巩固
  3. physique [fi:?zi:k] n.体格
  4. defense [di?fens] n. 防御;辩护
  5. offence [??fens] n. 违法行为;冒犯,无礼
  6. intertwine [?int??twain] v. 缠结在一起
  7. flatte [?fl?t?] n.向……奉承,阿谀
  flying skills 轻功水上飘
  7 hurted organs 七伤拳
  deepblue press 黯然销魂掌
  softwind sword 软风剑
  miao's sword 苗家刀法
  one finger death touch 一阳指
  the manager sends elena to pick up their client jack.
  elena: welcome to china, jack.
  jack: hey, elena. it's great to see you again. how are you?
  elena: i am fine, thanks. is your trip fine?
  jack: not so bad.
  elena: this is your third time to visit china. do you have other plans execpt for our operation?
  jack: oh, actually i want to learn something about your chinese taijiquan in this travel.
  elena: oh, great! taijiquan is an ancient chinese internal martial art system, which combines profound principles, theories and martial art techniques.
  jack: i really want to learn it. so could you lead me to learn it?
  elena: it is my pleasure. our company is near to wudang mountain, so i can accompany you to go there to feel the real taijiquan spirit.
  jack: waa… really? i am very excited to hear that.
  elena: so if you are not tired from your journey, i can drive you to go there now. could we?
  jack: yeah, i can't wait any longer.
  elena: ok, let's go.
  1. client [?klai?nt] n. 顾客,常客;诉讼委托人;救济对象
  2. pick up 拾起,捡起,安排接取;捉住,逮住;振作起来
  3. be tired from 因……而疲乏
  4. not…any longer 不再
  24 patterns of taijiquan
  1. beginning 起势
  2. part the wild horse's mane 左右野马分鬃
  3. white crane spreads its wings 白鹤亮翅
  4. brush knee and twist step 搂膝拗步
  5. strum the lute 手挥琵琶
  6. reverse reeling forearm 倒卷肱
  7. left grasp sparrow's tail 左揽雀尾
  8. right grasp sparrow's tail 右揽雀尾
  9. single whip 单鞭
  10. wave hands like clouds 云手
  11. single whip 单鞭
  12. high pat on horse 高探马
  13. right heel kick 右蹬脚
  14. strike to ears with both fists 双峰贯耳
  15. turn body and left heel kick 转身左蹬脚
  16. left lower body and stand on one leg 左下独立式
  17. right lower body and bird stand on one leg 右下独立式
  18. shuttle on both sides 左右穿梭
  19. needle at sea bottom 海底针
  20. fan through back 闪通臂
  21. turn body, deflect, parry, and punch 转身、搬、拦、捶
  22. appears closed 如封似闭
  23. cross hands 十字手
  24. closing 收势
  elva finds that she has put on a little weight. she is very upset about it.
  kelly: elva, what's wrong with you? you look unhappy.
  elva: i just finished health examination. i put on a little weight. it makes me upset.
  kelly: elva, you are lack of exercise. exercise can not only make you stay healthy but also let you have a perfect figure.
  elva: you're right. have you got anything special in mind?
  kelly: i suggest using treadmill.
  elva: oh? does it work well?
  kelly: sure. i keep running everyday.
  elva: no wonder you look so fit and trim.
  kelly: the treadmill is excellent for helping you to build up stamina.but there are several notices. first of all, you'd better start with a low speed. each time you use it, increase the distance step by step. don't ask for speed at first. you can increase that later.
  elva: i really want to get one. could you go to the store with me at the end of the shift? i want to buy one.
  kelly: ok, no problem.
  1. upset [?p?set] v. 打翻,打乱;使苦恼;n. 不安,心烦意乱;adj. 心烦的,不舒服的
  2. suggest [s??d?est] v. 推荐,建议,提议;使想起,暗示
  3. treadmill [?tred?m:l] n. 跑步机,走步机;枯燥无味的生活方式
  4. be lack of 缺乏,缺少
  5. no wonder 难怪,怪不得
  step 1: warm-up. at the beginning, you should take a walk then increase your speed to jogging. finally, you can run at appropriate speed.
  step 2: as far as possible, to choose soft ground.
  step 3: to add abundant aqua.
  step 4: do not force yourself to run.
  step 5: set an achievable goal for yourself.
  the weekend is coming. chuck wants to invite blair to play tennis on sunday.
  chuck: hey, blair! have you done your work?
  blair: not yet. but i can complete it before leaving the office.
  chuck: really? then you can spend a wonderful weekend.
  blair: that's right. i can relax myself finally. how about you?
  chuck: same with you. do you have any plans this weekend?
  blair: actually no.
  chuck: could we go and play tennis?
  blair: tennis? what a marvelous idea. i should take some exercise to keep fit.
  chuck: oh, oh! you are as skinny as a rake. to take exercise can keep you healthy rather than lose weight.
  blair: when shall we go?
  chuck: let's make it at 9 a.m. on sunday. shall we meet at tennis court in our company? are you ok?
  blair: that's a deal.
  1. complete [k?m?pli:t] v. 完成,结束;使完善,填写(表格);adj. 完整的;完成的;结束的,完满的
  2. actually [??kt?u:?li] adv. 实际上,确实;竟然,居然;目前,如今
  3. marvelous [?mɑ:v?l?s] adj. 极好的;不可思议的
  4. as skinny as a rake 瘦得跟竹竿一样
  5. that's a deal 就这么说定了
  football 足球
  tennis 网球
  baseball 棒球
  handball 手球
  golf 高尔夫球
  ice hockey 冰球
  ping-pong 乒乓球
  field hockey 曲棍球
  basketball 篮球
  badminton 羽毛球
  volleyball 排球
  cricket 板球
  billiards 台球
  water polo 水球
  softball 垒球
  in order to release the pressure of work, the manager organizes staff to experience extreme sports.
  jessica: nate, have you ever experienced extreme sports?
  nate: i just experienced bungee jumping.
  jessica: wow! how many feet did you jump from?
  nate: 300 feet.
  jessica: oh, dear me! 300 feet? you are indeed brave. anyway, i can't do it. aren't you afraid of that?
  nate: a little. but the whole process is really exciting and it's worth trying.
  jessica: i'm willing to give it a try, but i'm very frightened.
  nate: just be brave. it is an excellent opportunity today. you should have a try!
  jessica: are you sure it is safe?
  nate: i'm sure you will be safe. the coach will give you good security measures. for me, it is both relaxation and a hobby. extreme sports can release us from the high pressure of work and life. don't chicken out! come on!
  jessica: your words make me move. well,here goes and wish me luck.
  1. release [ri:'l:s] v. 释放,放开;发布,发行;n. 释放,解脱;发布
  2. organize [??:g?naiz] v. 组织,筹备;建立
  3. chicken out 因胆小而放弃
  parkour 跑酷
  parkour, sometimes called free running, is an urban sport focusing on surpassing all obstacles in one's path as smoothly and fast as possible using just the body. originated in france in the 1980s, the sport is now gaining popularity among young chinese enthusiasts. in parkour, the whole city is the gym. the bridges, buildings and railings are the equipment. the goal is a direct route from one place to another. you see an obstacle, you overcome it. today there are at least 100 000 people participating in the sport in china, according to an estimate by the chinese extreme sports association.
