04 景区好风光

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  04 景区好风光
  paul goes to climb a mountain with his girlfriend alice on a rare free weekend.
  paul: it's a nice day today. the air on the mountain is very fresh.
  alice: the weather is so crazy. it rained cats and dogs last night, but cleared up in the morning.
  paul: i worried last night that we couldn't climb the mountain today. come on, alice.
  alice: paul, wait for me. i am very tired and i need a rest.
  paul: what about taking the cable car?
  alice: attaboy, that's just what i am thinking.
  paul: wow, there are so many people waiting for the cable car.
  alice: honey, be patient. it's better to wait than to climb with my legs broken.
  paul: alice, look ahead in the distance, the mountains there. they soar all the way up to the sky.
  alice: yeah, the scenery is beautiful.
  paul: we should take some pictures here.
  alice: yes, of course.
  1. crazy [?kreizi] adj. 发疯的;疯狂的;荒唐的;狂热爱好的;着迷的
  2. cable [?keib?l] n.(船只、桥梁等上的)巨缆, 钢索;电缆
  3. soar [s?:] v. 高耸,屹立;高飞,翱翔;猛增
  4. fresh [fre?] adj. 新鲜的;新的,新近的;精神饱满的;另外的,外加的;重新的;(水)淡的
  1. cats and dogs
  2. the scenery of mount tai is so magnificent. the creativity of the nature is really awesome.
  3. the higher we climb, the farther our eyesight will reach.
  4. jiuzhai valley is just like a fairyland. i lose myself in the charming of her beauties.
  5. i really like the farm life. my heart and body can get relaxed and i can get close to nature every day.
  6. the saying that there's a monster in the kanas lake has attracted many tourists to visit there every year.
  jack is visiting the summer palace. he is listening to the guide of telling something about the summer palace.
  guide: the summer palace is one of the most famous imperial gardens. it suffered extensive damage for several times because of various wars.
  jack: it's a surprising thing that the summer palace is well-preserved.
  guide: it was rebuilt one hundred years ago and has been repaired for many times.
  jack: is that hill in the distance in the range of the summer palace?
  guide: no, that hill is called yuquan hill and isn't a part of the summer palace. the only hill in the summer palace is wanshou hill.
  jack: what an ingenious layout! it completely incorporates its natural surroundings. excuse me, is there any souvenir shop here? i want to bring some presents back for my family.
  guide: there's a nice market over there full of goods.
  jack: ok. thank you.
  guide: we'll move on to the next spot in 30 minutes. please come back quickly.
  1. imperial [im?pi?ri?l] adj. 帝国的,帝王的
  2. extensive [iks?tensiv] adj. 广阔的,广泛的;大量的,大规模的
  3. restoration [?rest??rei??n] n.(损坏的建筑物、艺术品等的)修复,整修;(遗失等物的)归还原主;回到原处或原状,恢复
  4. ingenious [in?d?i:nj?s] adj. 灵巧的,巧妙的;善于创造发明的;设计独特的,制作精巧的
  5. layout [?leiaut] n. 布局,安排;版面设计
  6. incorporate [in?k?:p?reit] v. 包含,加上,吸收;把……合并,使并入;组成公司
  7. souvenir [?su:v?ni?] n. 纪念品
  1. the summer palace颐和园
  2. the yuquan hill 玉泉山
  3. the wanshou hill 万寿山
  lucy and bill are strolling about in yuexiu park.
  lucy: wow, there are so many people in yuexiu park.
  bill: yes. it is sunday today. people come here for fun just like us.
  lucy: the park is so beautiful. the trees are green and the water in the lake is clean.
  bill: yeah, let's climb up.
  lucy: look at that statue. it's about five goats, very fantastic!
  bill: it is said that there's a legend about these five goats. lucy, take out the camera and take a photo for me.
  lucy: ok, it is a good thing that i have taken the camera. stand nearer and show a smile. ok, snap!
  bill: a very beautiful photo you have taken. good job.
  lucy: thank you. turn to take a picture for me, please.
  bill: no problem.
  1. statue [?st?tju:] n. 雕像,塑像
  2. fantastic [f?n?t?stik] adj. 极好的,极出色的,了不起的,荒诞的,奇异的,古怪的;极大的,异乎寻常的
  3. legend [?led??nd] n. 传说;传奇故事;传奇人物
  4. snap [sn?p] v. 拍照,摄影;猛地咬住;(使)发出尖厉声音地突然断裂;厉声地说
  1. the yuexiu park 越秀公园
  2. the five-goat statue 五羊石像
