05 网上购物

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  05 网上购物
  online shopping is very popular now. jimmy and white are discussing it in the office.
  jimmy: i heard that online shopping is cheaper than going to the shop, is that right?
  white: yes. and it is more convenient. you needn't to go outside for shopping. you click the mouse, then the goods will be delivered to your door immediately.
  jimmy: i'm not very familiar with it. could you help me buy a new mobile phone?
  white: sure, i'll search it for you. here is the website. this is a famous online shopping website, very trustworthy. i often shop on it.
  jimmy: there are so many phones. i think that black one is good.
  white: ok, we can click here to get the details of this phone.
  jimmy: that's just what i want. how long will it be sent here if i buy it?
  white: well, generally it is no more than three days.
  jimmy: that's good. i'll buy this one.
  1. click [klik] v. 点击(鼠标);发出咔嚓声;n. 咔嗒声,咔嚓声
  2. immediately [i?mi:di?tli] adv. 直接地;立即,马上
  3. familiar [f??milj?] adj. 熟悉的,通晓的;冒昧的;随便的
  4. trustworthy [?tr?st?w?:ei] adj. 值得信赖的,可靠的
  5. detail [?di:teil] n. 细目,细节,各种细节,详情;小事
  6. generally [?d?en?r?li] adv. 一般地,通常,大体上;广泛地,普遍地
  1. it is a very convenient way to shop online.
  2. we should visit different shopping sites to make a comparison.
  3. could you recommend me some reputable shopping sites?
  4. you can find almost any goods you want on the internet.
  5. this is the largest and safest online shopping site.
  6. i want to buy a train ticket on the internet. could you help me with it?
  sometimes online shopping is sometimes full of traps. here is the advice of jerry to sally.
  sally: i like the shoes with white and green color on the website and i'm going to buy it. do you know how to pay for them, jerry?
  jerry: you need to open an online bank account. and there should be some money in your account.
  sally: if i buy that pair of shoes, the website will deduct the money automatically?
  jerry: yes, then the seller will deliver the goods to you.
  sally: but is it safe enough? what if i pay for the goods, the seller doesn't deliver them to me?
  jerry: that's a good question, sally. your awareness of safety is rather good.
  sally: is there any ways to avoid this?
  jerry: well, to avoid such thing happening,you should check the seller's credit rating before choosing the goods. the higher of the credit rating, the more believable of the online shop.
  sally: oh, i see.
  1. account [??kaunt] n. 账,账户;记述,描述;报道;v. 解释,说明;认为
  2. deduct [di?d?kt] v. 扣除,减去
  3. automatically [??t??m?tikli] adv. 自动地,无意识地,不自觉地,机械地
  4. awareness [??w??nis] n. 察觉,觉悟;意识,认识;感悟,能力
  5. avoid [??v?id] v. 避开,避免;预防
  6. believable [bi?li:v?bl] adj. 可信的
  7. credit rating 信用等级
  1. excuse me, could you help me opening the online banking service for my bank account?
  2. just like the real shopping, there are also fakes on the internet shopping.
  3. we need to check the seller's credit carefully.
  4. there's no transaction record of this shop.
  5. the mobile is too cheap. it is not trustworthy.
  6. check up the personal information that you have entered. and make sure that there's no mistake.
  there is an express mail for lisa. her camera ordered arrives.
  postman: hello, is this lisa's office?
  lisa: yes, i'm lisa.
  postman: here's an express mail for you.
  lisa: ok, thank you. oh, it's the camera that i bought on the internet.
  postman: please sign your name here.
  lisa: can i open the box to check the camera before signing it? i want to make sure if the product is the one i bought and it is real.
  postman: sure, you can open it now.
  lisa: yeah, that's it, 10 million pixels, a 3-inch lcd screen, and short-term video recording, good performance. should i sign my name here?
  postman: yes, thanks.
  1. express [iks?pres] n. 特快发送,〈英〉快运;快车;adj. 特快的,高速的
  v. 快运;表达,表示,陈述;adv. 用快递方式
  2. camera [?k?m?r?] n. 照相机;摄影机;电视摄影机
  3. pixel [?piks?l] n.(显示器或电视机图像的)像素
  4. performance [p??f?:m?ns] n. 性能;工作情况;演出;履行,执行;表现;行为,成就
  5. recording [ri?k?:di?] n. 记录,录音,录像;唱片,录制品;adj. 记录的,录音的,录影的
  1. this is not the same goods with the picture that i have seen on the internet.
  2. please sign your name here to complete the delivery of the goods.
  3. everything is good and intact. ok, i'll sign for it.
  4. i want a red one. but they send me a green one now.
  5. the box is all wet by rain now. i need to change another one.
  6. it's just what i want. thanks for your delivery.
  the watch joy bought on the internet is fake. she is rather angry about it.
  joy: the watch that i bought on the internet is fake! it doesn't worth that high price.
  mike: how do you know that?
  joy: very clearly, it has a poor workmanship. it is a copycat, simulating the real brand.
  mike: the tricky businessman! did you ask the seller to return it?
  joy: i did. but the seller rejected to return the money to me.
  mike: we should lodge a compliant and stop the seller's tricky behavior.
  joy: i called the compliant phone several times. but the line is busy.
  mike: then we can call the police to give him a punishment.
  joy: ok, and i'll give him a negative comment to his online shop.
  mike: next time we should be careful when we buy something online.
  1. fake [feik] n. 骗子;赝品;v. 伪造,篡改,对……做手脚;仿造,假装;adj. 假的,冒充的
  2. workmanship [?w?:km?n?ip] n. 技艺,工艺
  3. copycat [?k?pik?t] n. 盲目模仿者;山寨
  4. simulate [?simjuleit] v. 假装;模仿,模拟
  5. tricky [?triki] adj. 狡猾的,诡计多端的;机警的;微妙的;(形势、工作等)复杂的;棘手的
  6. reject [ri?d?ekt] v. 拒绝,谢绝,驳回;舍弃;排斥;退掉
  7. punishment [?p?ni?m?nt] n. 处罚,受罚
  8. negative [?neg?tiv] adj. 拒绝的,不同意的;怀疑的;消极的;〈数〉负的,〈电〉阴的,负的;n. 否定词语;否定的观点;拒绝,否认
  1. copycat
  2. negative comment
  3. we should be careful of the seller's tricky behavior next time.
  4. maybe we can report it to the commence and industry bureau.
  5. penny wise, pound foolish.
  6. you must give a good reason and way to deal with it for the detective on the watch.
