02 喜怒哀乐

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  02 喜怒哀乐
  mike is very happy today. why?
  kelly: mike, why are you so happy today?
  mike: tell you a good news. i have just won the gold medal in the long-distance running of our company competition.
  kelly: wow, congratulations to you! you are great.
  mike: more of it. i was chosen to represent the company to attend the sports meeting held by our city.
  kelly: are you ready for it?
  mike: yes, i'm always ready. i'm good at running very much.
  kelly: do you often exercise? i have never seen you running.
  mike: i always do exercise after work. i keep running every day to beat the laziness within myself and make me healthier. i attended our company sports meeting just for a try. i had never thought that i could win the medal so easily.
  kelly: your success comes from your persistence. you deserve to win the medal.
  mike: thank you. i really have many unexpected gains through running.
  kelly: i want to join your exercise from tomorrow, ok?
  mike: of course, i'm only too pleased with your company.
  1. medal [?med?l] n. 奖章,奖牌
  2. gold medal 金牌
  3. represent [?repri?zent] v. 表现,描绘;代表,象征,表示;作为代表
  4. congratulation [k?n?gr?tju?lei??n] n. 祝贺,恭喜;贺词
  5. attend [??tend] v. 参加,出席;照顾,照料
  6. laziness [?leizinis] n. 懒惰,偷懒
  7. persistence [p??sist?ns] n. 坚持不懈,持续
  1. on cloud nine 高兴得找不着北,高兴得走路轻飘飘
  i've been on cloud nine all day long, because susan accepted my proposal this noon.
  2. feel like a million dollars 感觉好极了
  i feel like a million dollars because i was told that i have passed the interview.
  3. have the time of one's life 异常高兴
  we had the time of our lives on vocation in paris.
  4. be pleased beyond description 喜不胜言
  i was pleased beyond description that i won the first medal in the match.
  5. be wild with joy, be ecstatic, be exuberant 欣喜若狂
  i was ecstatic to hit the jackpot.
  abby is crying for the misfortune of the poor child in the movie.
  abby: the movie has pierced into my heart like a needle. the little child in the movie is so poor.
  jack: don't cry, abby. you are too sensitive. it's just a story dramatized by the movie makers. it's not real.
  abby: the movie reminded me of the misery in my own childhood. i have never seen my parents. i grew up with my grandma. life was hard at that time.
  jack: here's the napkin. wipe away the tears on your face.
  abby: thank you.
  jack: well, it was also a hardship when i was a child. but i think i have learned a lot from the misfortune.
  abby: really?
  jack: yes, everything has its two sides. the difficulty would make us stronger and braver.look at us. we have a comfortable life now. let the past be past.
  abby: it's really a great thinking. i will never burst into tears so easily.
  jack: that's right. there's more happiness in life.
  1. pierce [pi?s] v. 刺入,刺穿,穿透
  2. needle [?ni:dl] n. 针,针状物
  3. sensitive [?sensitiv] adj. 敏感的,多愁善感的;易受伤害的,易损坏的;易受影响的;神经质的;〈褒〉有细腻感情的,(指仪器等)灵敏的
  4. dramatize ['dr?m?taiz] v. 将(小说或事件)改编成剧本,使戏剧化,夸张
  5. misery ['miz?ri] n. 痛苦,苦恼,苦难,痛苦的事;不幸;常发牢骚的人
  6. wipe [waip] v. 擦,拭,抹,擦去,拭去,抹去
  7. wipe away 擦去,拭去;清除
  8. burst [b?:st] v. 爆炸,爆裂;挤满,充满;突然打开
  9. burst into tears 哭泣
  no one can be happy all the time. during times of tragedy, it is natural and even beneficial to be sad, but not to hold unhappy, anger or any negative emotion that takes control. we must heal ourselves emotionally and spiritually if we feel sad. you can have a talk with optimistic people for they bring a sense of hope into the world,and a new meaning to life. be with people when you're sad. it's also no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink.
  niki seems very angry. what happened?
  niki: lillian has already pissed me off. i can't bear her any more.
  ken: oh, just sit down on the sofa and cool down.
  niki: she lost her cell phone. but she doubted that i had stolen it. she even wanted to search my handbag this morning.
  ken: you took out all the things in the handbag and showed them to her, and then you went out and slammed the door. is that right?
  niki: how did you know that?
  ken: that's what i'm going to talk with you.lillian told me everything that happened with you. she felt very sorry and wanted to apologize to you. she didn't come because she knew you must be very angry with her.
  niki: of course i'm angry.
  ken: so she expressed her apology through me. she said she was too anxious at that time and hoped you could forgive her.
  niki: ok, i forgive her for the sake that we are best friends.
  1. piss off 使厌烦,使生气;滚开
  2. cool down 平静下来;冷却,变凉
  3. handbag [?h?ndb?g] n.(女用)手提包,手提袋
  4. slam [sl?m] v. 砰地关上(门或窗);n. 猛然关闭的声音
  5. apologize [??p?l?d?aiz] v. 道歉
  6. apology [??p?l?d?i] n. 道歉;认错,愧悔
  7. for the sake 为了,为了……起见,看在……的份上
  anger can hurt your relationships with friends and relatives as well as your health. but rage can be reined in if you can do these.
  1. adjust your attitude. don't always think the annoying things.
  2. laugh away annoyances 一笑置之
  3. breathe deeply 深呼吸
  4. count 1 to 10 从1数到10
  5. postpone your anger 忍耐
  6. be forgiving 学会宽容
  simon got a bonus from his company for his hardworking. he bought a new car with the bonus.
  ann: honey, why do you come back so late today?
  simon: because something unusual has happened today. look at this.
  ann: it's a key. is there any special?
  simon: it's the key of the car which belongs to us. i bought a car and drove home.
  ann: is it real? where's the car?
  simon: just look out of the window. the white one.
  ann: wow, i see a white santana. you are so great! how did you get the money to buy it?
  simon: i was elected as the annual model worker in the company and got the highest bonus. i knew that we lacked nothing but a car. so i bought it without hesitation.
  ann: i can't wait to take a ride outside with the car. let's go to the center mall to buy something, ok?
  simon: no problem, honey. and you have a new mission from today.
  ann: what is it?
  simon: to get a driving license.
  1. unusual [?n?ju:?u?l] adj. 罕有的,异乎寻常的,独特的;与众不同的
  2. belong [bi?l??] v. 属于,是……的成员;应被放在,应归入;适应,合得来
  3. annual [??nju?l] adj. 年度的,一年一次的;n. 一年生植物;年刊,年报,年鉴
  4. annual model worker 年度劳动模范
  5. bonus [?b?un?s] n. 奖金,红利;额外令人高兴的事情
  6. hesitation [?hezi?tei??n] n. 犹豫,踌躇
  7. take a ride 兜风
  8. driving license 驾驶执照
  1. get a kick out of 感到愉快,使兴奋
  he gets a kick out of funny movies.
  2. make one's spine tingle 使大为激动
  having got the yearning sports car at last makes his spine tingle.
  3. be in a flap 在激动中,慌作一团
  the audiences are still in a flap though his speech has ended for an hour.
  4. be going nuts 激动得不得了
  the fans are going nuts. their team just won the game.
  david's company is going to organize a visit to the disneyland in hong kong.
  david: the stuff in my office will pay a visit to the disneyland in hong kong. i can't be happier.
  grace: wow, it's a wonderful amusement park. i have been yearning for there for a very long time. when will you set out?
  david: on friday afternoon. the flight will leave on 3 o'clock that day. i can't wait to get there now.
  grace: is this your boss's idea?
  david: yes, our team has gained a substantial profit successively in the last months, and we all feel exhausted and need to have a good rest. so the boss came up with this great idea.
  grace: excellent, you and your team deserve a good fun for the value you have created.
  david: thanks for your saying. it's good to strike a proper balance between work and rest.
  grace: is it admittable to join the travel as your friend? i'm eager to go there, too.
  david: sorry, it is just an activity held within our team, but taking family members is permitted.
  grace: and how about i act as your girlfriend to go there?
  david: come on, you got to be kidding me.i think you will have a chance in the future.
  1. amusement [??mju:zm?nt] adj. 娱乐,乐趣;娱乐活动,文娱活动
  2. yearn [j?:n] v. 渴盼,切盼,向往
  3. substantial [s?b?st?n??l] adj. 坚固的,结实的;大量的,可观的;重大的,重要的;实质的;基本的,大体上的
  4. successively [s?k?sesivli] adv. 连续地,相继地
  5. come up with 想出
  6. value [?v?lju] n. 价值,价格;重要性;价值观;职业道德;v. 估价;重视;尊重
  7. admittable [?d'mit?bl] adj. 允许的;有进入资格的
  8. permit [p??mit] v. 允许,许可;n. 许可,许可证,执照
  1. i'm itching to see my parents. we haven't met for three years.
  2. i can't wait to see it.
  3. i can hardly wait to see them!
  4. my heart itches for the travel to beijing already.
  5. the colleagues are champing to start.
  6. my children fell over backwards to get the party ready.
  7. hold on a minute. you're jumping the gun.
  kent and nick are talking about their company's personnel changes.
  kent: henry was appointed as the sales manager yesterday.
  nick: i've heard about it. it is out of my expectation. he has just been transferred to the sales department for several weeks. but he is the manager now.
  kent: his promotion is so quick. he must have a very strong ability on marketing.
  nick: there are also demotions in our company. the manager of the financial department was changed two months ago.
  kent: the personnel system of our company is fair. the more capable you are, the higher position you will have.
  nick: what's your plan of your promotion,kent?
  kent: i don't have any plan for the moment. i think what i should do now is to get the work done well within my duty.
  nick: yes, i agree with you. success comes from hard work.
  1. appoint [??p?int] v. 任命,委派;确定,指定,约定
  2. expectation [?ekspek?tei??n] n. 预料,期望,有信心的指望
  3. transfer [tr?ns?f?:] v. 转移,迁移;转让;n. 转移,转让;换乘,改变路线
  4. promotion [pr??m?u??n] n. 提升,晋级;宣传,推销
  5. demotion [di'm?u??n] n. 降级
  6. personnel [?p?:s??nel] n.(总称)人员,员工,人事部门
  7. personnel system 人事制度
  8. for the moment 目前,暂时
  we often practice a skeptical attitude towards ourselves or others consciously or unconsciously. self-skepticism is the sign of lacking confidence while doubting others is due to the lack of trust in them. we would never imagine the skepticism would lead some astoundingly negative consequences. self-skepticism would discourage our inner confidence and torture us in the shadow of failure, while doubting others would make us feel lack of security and live in the state of danger presumed by ourselves.
  may looks in a bad mood.
  jenny: you look not good today. are you sick?
  may: no, i'm fine, just feel a little worried.
  jenny: what do you worry?
  may: the manager always shouted at me when i talked to him. i think he must be very unsatisfied with me.
  jenny: well, take it easy. i even can't count the times that he has yelled at me. sometimes he's just in a bad mood.
  may: hope he will not fire me.
  jenny: no, you have done your work very well. he will not dismiss you. you will be accustomed to it if you get familiar with his temperament.
  may: oh, i see.
  jenny: my suggestion is that the most important thing is to concentrate yourself on your job now, and anything else is secondary.
  may: i see, thank you, jenny.
  1. shout at sb. 朝某人大吼,大声嚷嚷
  2. count [kaunt] v. 数,点……的数目,计算;把……算入;看作;n. 计数,总数;事项;罪状
  3. yell [jel] v. 喊叫,嚎叫;大声说;n. 叫喊,号叫
  4. mood [mu:d] n. 心情,情绪;语气
  5. be accustomed to 习惯于
  6. temperament [?temp?r?m?nt] n. 性格,性情;气质
  7. concentrate [?k?ns?ntreit] v. 专心于,注意;集中,聚集
  8. concentrate on 专心于,把思想集中于
  1. i'm insecure about my future.
  2. i'm uneasy about the future.
  3. there's deep anxiety among graduates about their future jobs.
  4. she sounded very agitated on the phone.
  5. the bride got cold feet just before the wedding and run off.
  6. this makes me very nervous.
  peter meets some difficulties in his work. h feels a little disappointed.
  peter: today is july 25th, almost the end of this month. i haven't received any order till now. it's not a good end.
  jack: don't worry. maybe you can receive one in the next minute.
  peter: the pressure is too much for me. i have been eager to find a client for the whole month.
  jack: just relax, man. i have the same feeling with you every month. we all have tried our best for it. but sometimes it needs opportunity.
  peter: what about your achievement? do you have any orders?
  jack: i had a deal of 0.5 million yuan last week with an australian client.
  peter: you are great. i think you are good at this job.
  jack: i just received this order by chance on the internet. so just be confident, with your effort, sooner or later you'll have your orders.
  peter: yeah, hoping the good fortune will always be on our side.
  1. order [??:d?] n. 次序,顺序;整齐,有条理;治安,秩序;命令,嘱咐;订购,订货,订单;汇票;v. 命令,嘱咐;订购,定制;整理,布置
  2. client [?klai?nt] n. 委托人;顾客,常客
  3. opportunity [??p??tju:niti] n. 机会,时机
  4. achievement [??t?i:vm?nt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩;达到,完成
  5. fortune [?f?:t??n] n. 机会,运气,转机;前途,命运;事情,转变;庞大的财富,财产
  1. i didn't get a promotion. what a disappointment!
  2. what a let down!
  this is disappointing.
  3. you disappointed me.
  you let me down.
  4. keep your chin up!
  cheer up!
  pluck up your spirits!
  5. the result of the interview is frustrating to me.
  6. you should not lose your hope. it's only a mistaken decision. try to lick your wonders.
  tim is much tired of his job now.
  tim: i can't bear this boring job. every day i do the same thing, just like a robot.
  mike: i think it requires only the specialists like you to do this kind of professional job. many people are admiring your job.
  tim: but i like the life with joy and passion.i feel that i will become a fool if things go on like this every day.
  mike: why not widen your life after work?
  tim: i don't know what i should do after work. do you have any suggestions, mike?
  mike: you can go to the fitness club, to do exercise there to keep healthy. and also you can play ball games there like billiards and ping-pong.
  tim: sounds like a good idea. it's really a healthy choice.
  mike: yeah, it's better than just having fun in the bar.
  tim: shall we go there together after work today?
  mike: sure, i have a member card in the fitness club near our company.
  1. boring [?b?:ri?] adj. 无趣的,单调的,乏味的
  2. specialist [?spe??list] n. 专家,行家;专科医生
  3. professional [pr??fe??n?l] adj. 职业的,专业的,内行的;有意的,故意的;n. 具有某专业资格的人,专业人士,专家,职业选手
  4. admire [?d?mai?] v. 赞赏,钦佩,称赞,夸奖
  5. billiards [?bilj?dz] n. 台球
  1. gossipers were the number one pet peeve.
  2. the broken clock
  they're routinely late for everything, including work.
  3. coworkers who mess up communal spaces.
  4. coworkers who crack loud jokes, chew gum or clank spoons in coffee cups and so on.
  5. brown-nose
  susan's colleague got the same bonus with her. she shows some dissatisfaction with that.
  susan: ann's bonus is almost the same with mine. i have been working here for 2 years, while she's just a green hand here. it's not fair to me.
  alisa: in fact, she has no less experience than you on this job.
  susan: really? i can see no sign of cleverness from her.
  alisa: you shouldn't judge a person by his appearance. the most important thing is the value one can create.
  susan: well, it seems that my creation is much more than her.
  alisa: last month she put forward two suggestions of improvement to our manager. and the profit of our company has increased 5% than the usual time after utilizing her suggestions.
  susan: really? i have never heard of it.
  alisa: the company needs the hardworking persons like you, but it also lacks for the joining of innovative persons. i think you two should help each other and learn from each other in the working.
  susan: ok, thanks for your advice.
  1. no less than不少于,不亚于
  2. creation[kri?ei??n] n. 创造,创建,创造物;作品;产物;宇宙,天地万物
  3. put forward提出,提议
  4. utilize[?ju:tilaiz] v. 利用,使用,运用
  5. innovative[?in?uveitiv] adj. 新发明的,新引进的,革新的;有改革精神的,乐于引进新观念的
  6. innovative person创新型人才
  1. that guy is always wise about his own conceit.
  2. he's an arrogant little twit!
  3. pride goes before, and shame comes after.
  4. he is bloated with pride.
  pride swells his heart.
  he is big with pride.
  5. he that is proud eats up himself.
  6. i have been pride of you.
  7. he is too proud to take notice of others in our company.
  8. it's arrogant of you to say you can finish the plan on time without any hands.
