01 社会热点

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  01 社会热点
  the civil service examination is very competitive. lisa is one of them.
  joy: the time for signing up the national examination for admissions to the civil service is coming near now. do you plan to have a try?
  lisa: yes, definitely. i have been waiting for a long time.
  joy: wow, i didn't know that you are so keen on this.
  lisa: this examination is getting hotter and hotter these years. the civil servant is really a great job.
  joy: but, as far as i know, the salary of this job is not more than that of many companies.
  lisa: there are many advantages of this job. you needn't work overtime. and there's no more worry of being dismissed. and there are plentiful material benefits awaiting you.
  joy: that sounds very attractive.
  lisa: the job is really great. but the competition for the job is very fierce. i had prepared for the exam for months. but i still can't make sure whether i can pass it.
  joy: just believe yourself. your efforts will reap a good result.
  1. admission [?d?mi??n] n. 准许进入;加入
  2. definitel [?definitli] adv.明确地,确切地;一定地,肯定地
  3. dismiss [dis?mis] v. 解雇,开除;解散
  4. reap [ri:p] v. 收割;收获,获得,得到
  1. when did the system of civil service exam begin?
  2. how about your civil service exam?
  3. the competition is fierce in national public servant examination.
  4. do you intend to sign up the national public servant examination?
  5. almost 1.4 million people took part in china's national examination for 2011 admissions to the civil service.
  susan meets david at the gate of the company.
  susan: i didn't see you in the company yesterday. did you ask for leave?
  david: no, i went to the human resources market with our hr manager for the employment yesterday.
  susan: how about the employment? was it successful?
  david: yes, it went rather well. there were many people seeking for jobs in the talent market. a lot of applicants applied for our jobs. we employed some candidates through the interview.
  susan: there is a growing number of graduates year after year. it is very hard for them to find a proper job now.
  david: yes, i really felt sorry when i saw the disappointment on the faces of the applicants who were not employed by us.
  susan: you needn't to be like this, david. it's not your fault.
  david: i think actions should be taken to create more jobs for the unemployed.
  susan: yes, there should be a balance between supply and demand.
  david: good words, everything should be like this.
  1. applicant [??plik?nt] n. 申请人
  2. candidate [?k?ndideit] n. 申请求职者;投考者;候选人
  3. proper [?pr?p?] adj. 适合的,正当的;固有的;严格意义的
  4. disappointment [?dis??p?intm?nt] n. 失败,挫折
  5. fault [f?:lt] n. 缺点;错误,过错
  6. supply [s??plai] n. 供应;v. 供给,满足
  1. government should implement policies to improve the employment rate.
  2. companies should value the talents and knowledge of the graduates.
  3. the graduates should face their weak points and improve themselves to be competitive.
  the college entrance examination is coming.irene and lillian are discussing it during their break time.
  irene: the dark june is coming soon for the high school students.
  lillian: yeah, the college entrance examination is just around the corner. how about the studying of your child, irene?
  irene: it is not stable of his marks. sometime he can rank the first in his class. but another time his performance is rather unsatisfactory.
  lillian: this indicates that he is a very clever and talented student.
  irene: i hope so. i'm very worried about whether he can succeed in the exam.
  lillian: there are many mothers just like you. this is a test for your child, not for you. just relax, and let your child relax, too.
  irene: the examination is really a singleplank bridge, while millions of students are struggling to pass it, very harsh and severe.
  lillian: this is also a good chance to cultivate these youngsters.
  irene: that's indeed. success is not easy to reach.
  1. entrance [?entr?ns] n. 入口;入学;进入,登场
  2. stable [?steib?l] adj. 稳定的,沉稳的,稳重的
  3. rank [r??k] v. 分等级;n. 衔
  4. unsatisfactory [??ns?tis?f?kt?ri] adj. 不能令人满意的
  5. talented [?t?l?ntid] adj. 有才能的,有才干的
  6. plank [pl??k] n. 厚木板(条)
  7. youngster [?j??st?] n. 青年,年轻人;孩子
  1. according to a recent survey, 4 million people die from diseases linked to smoking each year.
  2. when it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.
  3. there is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem; city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.
  4. any government which is blind to this point would pay a heavy price.
  5. in view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.
  6. we should spare no effort to beautify our environment.
  buying a house is a heavy load for young office worker.
  dick: what about your relationship with lily now, sam?
  sam: we are going to marry at the end of this year. now we are planning to buy a house that we like.
  dick: have you found a proper one?
  sam: yes, we have found several houses that we like. but the only problem is the high prices of these houses.
  dick: the house price is extraordinary high throughout the whole country. many people,especially the young, have encountered such difficulty.
  sam: so does me. the real estate is very hot in china in recent years. the house price is roaring just like a rocket. many people have been trapped by the house.
  dick: it's really a hard life. they have to pay off the loan to the bank every month. they seldom have more extra money to do other things.
  sam: i'm really afraid that i would be also rendered as a mortgage slave in the future.
  dick: well, naked wedding is becoming more and more popular now. you can consider it if you like.
  sam: maybe we will choose to buy a second-hand house.
  1. extraordinary [ik?str?:din?ri] adj. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的
  2. trap [tr?p] v. 使中圈套,使陷入困境;n. 陷阱,困境
  3. loan [l?un] v. 借出,贷给;n. 贷款;借,贷
  4. extra [?ekstr?] adj. 额外的;n. 额外的事物(费用);adv. 特别地
  5. render [?rend?] v. 使得,致使
  6. mortgage [?m?:gid?] n. 抵押,抵押借款;v. 抵押
  7. naked [?neikid] adj. 裸体的,赤裸裸的;无遮蔽的
  i have no cars, no money, no houses, no diamond rings, but i have one heart to grow old with you. when you are old, i still carry you and i will be your walking stick. when you have no teeth left, i will chew up food to feed you. i won't die before you, for leaving you alone in this world makes me worried.
  details defeat love. i have no advantage over you except my love to you.
  what is happiness? it depends on what you do rather than what you say.
  it's time to get off work. kane invites jim to go out for dinner.
  kane: let's go to the restaurant to have dinner, ok?
  jim: i'm afraid to eat outside now. the food in such restaurants is not safe.
  kane: why? you always eat there with me,don't you?
  jim: yes, but recently i have heard the news that these restaurants cooked food with gutter cooking oil.
  kane: oh, god, that's terrible. it's very harmful to our health. how can they do that immoral thing?
  jim: they do that just for money. the price of the recycled cooking oil is much cheaper than the edible oil.
  kane: how deceitful these businessmen!
  jim: the problem of chinese food safety is very serious now. have you still remembered the contaminated milk powder incident in 2008? it really shocked the whole country. millions of people, especially the infants, have become the victims of that.
  kane: that was really a big problem. fortunately my families had never bought that brand of milk powder.
  jim: that was lucky. shall we go to my house to cook our dinner?
  kane: good idea.
  1. immoral [i?m?r?l] adj. 不道德的
  2. deceitful [di?si:tful] adj. 欺诈的,奸诈的
  3. contaminate [k?n?t?mineit] v. 弄脏,污染
  4. incident [?insid?nt] n. 事件,发生的事;事变
  5. infant [?inf?nt] n. 婴儿,幼儿;adj. 婴儿的;幼稚的,初期的
  6. victim [?viktim] n. 牺牲品,受害者
  gutter oil
  “gutter oil” is made from discarded cooking oil and kitchen waste, which come mainly from restaurants such as cafeterias and canteens, but also from sewers.
  that waste cooking oil is toxic undoubtfully. after being used many times in restaurants, cooking oil produces harmful substances like fatty and trans fattyacids, and even strong carcinogens like flavacol.
  mary likes a handbag very much, but she can't afford it.
  mary: i really want to get that handbag. it's pretty beautiful.
  ada: so why not buy it? you can get it right now if you buy it.
  mary: i can't afford that high price. my purse is almost empty now.
  ada: are you a moonlite, too?
  mary: yeah, i'm forced to be a moonlite.there's little money left by the end of each month.
  ada: me, too. the price of the goods is too high. i almost can't afford it.
  mary: i have the same feeling with you. the cost of life is almost unaffordable to me.
  ada: the inflation and the low income make life harder than before.
  mary: we should ask the manager to raise our salaries.
  ada: it'll be no more better if our requests can be fulfilled.
  1. afford [??f?:d] v. 买得起,担负得起;提供,给予
  2. force [f?:s] v. 强迫,逼迫;用力推动;n. 军队;暴力
  3. inflatio [in?flei??n] n.通货膨胀
  4. income [?ink?m] n. 收入,所得,收益
  5. salary [?s?l?ri] n. 薪金,薪水
  1. i ask my boss to raise my salary.
  2. workers strongly demand for a higher salary.
  3. what is your opinion about pay raise?
  4. the price begins to soar.
  5. people are discontented with inflation.
