Song.—On Chloris Being Ill

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  song.—on chloris being ill
  tune—“aye wauken o.”
  chorus—long, long the night,
  heavy comes the morrow
  while my soul's delight
  is on her bed of sorrow.
  can i cease to care?
  can i cease to languish,
  while my darling fair
  is on the couch of anguish?
  long, long, c.
  ev'ry hope is fled,
  ev'ry fear is terror,
  slumber ev'n i dread,
  ev'ry dream is horror.
  long, long, c.
  hear me, powers divine!
  oh, in pity, hear me!
  take aught else of mine,
  but my chloris spare me!
  long, long, c.
